You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well, if you don’t you get stuck in Iraq.
There are times, many of late, that I find it truly fitting that the mascot of the Democratic party is a jackass. It is insulting, demeaning, and utterly disrespectful to imply that those who serve in our military are doing so because they were poor students. Our military is a volunteer force, many enlist as a means toward higher education. Virtually all officers are college grads and those that desire a career have no choice but to get an advanced degree.
Such a comment is absolutely astounding coming from the man who came so close to being the Commander-in-Chief of the most advanced fighting force in the world.
Lex weighs in and and Allahpundit shares video of W’s response.
I can almost hear the grumbling from the left: “If only the idiot had kept his mouth shut for two more weeks…”
Well putted, Steve. JFKs words may just keep SanFranNan from getting her hands on that gavel hopefully till she retires.
Hey JFK: You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, memorize your talking points and you make an effort not to be a smart@$$, you can do well, you might not even end up hosing your party’s chances in an upcoming election…
What a, well, jerk just seems so inadequate..
btw, none of the above should be construed in any since to be supportive of the dhimi-crats…
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