Thank-you Note

by Steve on January 21, 2009

Send one to W – policy blunders aside, we can still go to the mall without fear of it blowing up.

Mission 1 Accomplished.


Thomas Jackson February 8, 2009 at 1:44

And terrorists should thank him to. They can gain weight without fear of being forced to answer for their crimes. They don’t have to worry about torture and I mean torture that they’d be sure to encounter in any other nations hands. They should thank Bush they didn’t get a bullet which is what they’d get under the Geneva Convention.

Yeah Bush thanks.

Steve February 8, 2009 at 8:40

The GITMO detainees are accused terrorists not POW’s – the Geneva Convention does not apply (see Article 4). But if it did Article 100 would protect them with due process.

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