Budget UAV

by Steve on March 20, 2009


Boy, if the Pentagon gets hold of this the Air Force is gonna get pissed!  At the insistence of one friend I purchased an RC Cub so we could fly crash together.  After a lot of glue (having spent a good bit of time in a cockpit I couldn’t get the hang of reversing the controls whenever the bird was coming at me) it ended up hanging in the rafters of the garage.  Recently it was given new life – sold it to another friend who turned his nephew loose with it.  Didn’t take the young man long to strap a mini digital video camera to it.  He took it higher and farther than I ever did (I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to see it in order to control it).  For a couple hundred, including the camera and the battery powered aircraft, you could get some fine intel.  Add a real-time downlink, extend the range of the transmitter, and you’ve got a helluva tool.

Do a little shopping.


Kath March 21, 2009 at 16:53

Always thought these things looked like fun, but only if you’re bad at it — I mean, you’re just going to stand there with box in your hand and direct this thing to do loops in the air?

Yeah, it would be more fun if there were two of you racing or something.

But I fear I would be very tempted to see how close to the trees, can I go thru the tree limbs, how close to the ground and back up — you know. And then it crashes and it’s all over. Sigh.

Yeah, I guess it COULD be fun.

Kath March 23, 2009 at 2:50

Ok, I just watched the YouTube video — noise drove the cat crazy — and since I am not a plane person, I watched with one eye closed, so it was even more scarier.

And the landings — oh, goodness. Just another reason never to fly.

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