Good. Then can you answer my question about the weight? I’m not at all questioning your judgment or anything, I’m just wondering how heavy of a canoe that will be then. Or do you think it might not really change it?
The difference between spruce and ash or cypress for the inside rails isn’t really significant. The rails are basically 1″ square by 18′ long so substituting a slightly heavier wood over the original spruce might add a couple of pounds. The ribs and planking will all be replaced with cedar – same species used to build it. I think an 18′ Guide specs out at 85 lbs – this one may end up bumping 90 lbs.
Good. Then can you answer my question about the weight? I’m not at all questioning your judgment or anything, I’m just wondering how heavy of a canoe that will be then. Or do you think it might not really change it?
The difference between spruce and ash or cypress for the inside rails isn’t really significant. The rails are basically 1″ square by 18′ long so substituting a slightly heavier wood over the original spruce might add a couple of pounds. The ribs and planking will all be replaced with cedar – same species used to build it. I think an 18′ Guide specs out at 85 lbs – this one may end up bumping 90 lbs.
Ohhhh. I thought you were talking about adding quite a lot of weight. Just wondered how that would end up.
Thank you!
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