Making Dust

by Steve on June 23, 2009

Got back to work on the Guide this evening.  Check the page for the update.


Kath June 24, 2009 at 14:02

Good. Then can you answer my question about the weight? I’m not at all questioning your judgment or anything, I’m just wondering how heavy of a canoe that will be then. Or do you think it might not really change it?

Steve June 24, 2009 at 17:27

The difference between spruce and ash or cypress for the inside rails isn’t really significant. The rails are basically 1″ square by 18′ long so substituting a slightly heavier wood over the original spruce might add a couple of pounds. The ribs and planking will all be replaced with cedar – same species used to build it. I think an 18′ Guide specs out at 85 lbs – this one may end up bumping 90 lbs.

Kath June 25, 2009 at 5:16

Ohhhh. I thought you were talking about adding quite a lot of weight. Just wondered how that would end up.

Thank you!

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