Writer’s Block

by Steve on February 10, 2006

For those of you suffering to create a novel (as I am) I’d like to pass on information on something that I have found extremely helpful: a software package consisting of Power Structure and Power Writer available through Write-Brain.com. This is not one of those author-in-a-box, fill-in-the-blanks and you’ll be published software programs. It does not teach you how to write. Power Structure is an organizational tool designed specifically for authors that you can tailor to your preferences. It makes keeping the plot, sub-plots, characters, and conflicts on track much easier. Power Writer is simply a word processing program that integrates with Power Structure and allows you to import all that hard work directly into a format where you can flesh-out the outline in an environment that anyone used to Word (or similar) should be familiar with. You can download a demo version at the link listed above.

Once I got into the middle of my novel I found that I was spending more time searching back through material I had already written than I was actually writing new material. Power Structure/Power Writer solved that problem for me. It takes some getting used to but quickly becomes second nature and is well worth the effort. If you’re looking for a tool to help organize your story and your thoughts this is it. If what you want is something that will create a story for you with minimal input I suggest you stick to your day job. I assure you it’s easier than writing!

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