Meet al Qaeda’s New Press Secretary

by Steve on September 3, 2006

Adam Yahiye Gadahn aka Adam Pearlman or Assam the American (Azzam al Amrikee)

He is exactly what we can expect out of the next generation of Jihadists: a home-grown terrorist. His type represents the greatest threat to America for they are already here. Walid Phares over at the Counterterroism Blog provides analysis of the recent video released by al Qaeda featuring Gadahn as the speaker:

It is basically addressed to those who will carry a “Jihad in America,” possibly asserting Adam Gadahn as their leader. Also, this is a very intelligent move to pierce the linguistic shield of America’s media and reach US citizens directly, as a way to spread confusion at least among those who have a hazy understanding of the Jihadists.

In short, the “Azzam” video reconfirms clearly, in an English language that academic translators won’t be able to distort, that al Qaeda’s movement worldwide and in the United States is seeking total annihilation or conversion of the enemy: American and other democracies.

“Azzam”’s mission in this tape was to deliver a message. His bottom line is this: We –the Jihadists- have you cornered everywhere and you are not going to win this war. His central message is typically Jihadic: “Surrender, convert or the fire:” Meaning war on Earth, all of it, and Hell fire after death.

Dr. Phares’ post is what he calls “the short version” with the full analysis to come. I’ve read his book Future Jihad and am interested to see what his in-depth take on this will be. Stay tuned.

**Update** Michelle has more including a link to the video.

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