The Democratic Majority

by Steve on November 19, 2006

All is not as it seems. The Dems may have a slight numerical advantage but conservative ideals still prevail.

Nine of the 28 seats gained by Democrats in the midterm elections came from the success of “Blue Dogs”, conservative Democrats who convinced voters in previously Republican districts to trust them with reform.

Some pundits have disputed the notion that conservatism remained strong after the midterms; some even declared it dead as a political philosophy. However, the fact that one-third of all Democratic gains in the House joined the Blue Dogs shows that the philosophy has appeal that extends to independents. The Blue Dogs will prove a tough stumbling block for the more ambitious programs envisioned by the Democratic majority — and if they don’t, the GOP has those districts in their sights for 2008.

Ed over at CQ has the rest. Thanks, Ed – now I can sleep at night.

It appears the Dems are somewhat confused:

In an indication that rank-and-file members would be willing to break from Ms. Pelosi, Democrats chose Mr. Hoyer over Representative John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania by a decisive vote of 149 to 86. Mr. Hoyer overcame a concerted push by Ms. Pelosi on behalf of Mr. Murtha, a combat veteran who became an influential spokesman against the Iraq war.

Ethics reform? – Yes, but….

Pelosi’s picks. First there was Murtha then she follows up with Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL), one of only seven Federal Judges in history to ever be impeached, as her pick to chair the Intelligence Committee. Marc Sheppard over at AT has more.

…why would Pelosi anoint Hastings, particularly after announcing to the world on November 8th that Democrats, “intend to lead the most honest, the most open and the most ethical Congress in history” On the surface, it would appear to be political suicide.

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