Operation Gratitude Needs Your Help…

by Steve on April 24, 2007

…to offset the pending increase by the USPS. Right now it costs $8.10 to send one of Gratitude’s care packages to the front. That cost will increase to $9.15 as of May 14th. This year’s goal is 120,000 care packages which equates to a whopping $1.1 million in postage. The harsh reality is that unless additional funds can match the increased cost, the target of 120,000 packages will not be met. Do what you can to keep that from happening.

Operation Gratitude

{ 1 comment }

Deborah Aylward April 28, 2007 at 18:54

1. Thank you for posting this alert on behalf of Operation Gratitude. 2. Thank you for your, and all the Troops’, service. 3. ‘Though I’m Canadian, know that America has my support. Chin up, eh.

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