The Flyer Song

by Steve on July 21, 2007

For your weekend enjoyment. Spouses of aviators need to pay close attention to the lyrics! Written by Leslie Ellis and produced by… I’ll let her tell it.

My friend Kip has an email pen pal named Captain Scott Berg, who just happens to be Second In Command of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group. Two months ago, Kip sent him an mp3 of my song “The Flyer Song”; thinking he might identify with some of the sentiments in the lyrics. Captain Berg liked the song and my simple recording of it enough to play it for his air wing and to, based on their positive reaction, commission a video of the song. So the media department of the “Stennis” and a very talented man named MC3 E. Jayce Fabrizio made a beautiful and moving video using their footage from the ship (some stock and some shot just for the video).

These guys are currently somewhere in the Persian Gulf and are risking their lives for us and our freedom everyday. With this video I’d like to pay tribute to them and to all our troops — here, there and everywhere: I thank you for all you do and I will pray for your safety always.

I’d also like to thank the families of the troops – for their undeniable gift of time…precious time away from their loved ones on our behalf. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If you feel like it, drop me a line to share with me a story about someone you know who is serving our country…a story. a picture. a moment…whatever you feel like.


Sweet. Where was Leslie back in ’94 when I needed her?

**UPDATE** For more on Leslie, visit her site: She sang with Celine Dion on the soundtrack for Titanic and has the Grammy to prove it!


Deborah Aylward July 21, 2007 at 17:40

Eagles are a special breed and so are their wives. This song is the best interpretation of a wife’s love and understanding for her Eagle which I have ever heard, sir. Would that there was a way for all those in the Navy to listen to this song, even if they couldn’t watch the video.

However, I must disagree with a certain Captain. The sea is a sailor’s mistress, yes, but the sky……that is in your DNA.

God Bless all the crew of the USS John C. Stennis during their deployment. I hope that they know their service is not taken for granted and is very much appreciated and valued. As much as your service was valued and appreciated.

It’s difficult to be concise when something touches the soul. Enjoy your weekend.

Veritas et Fidelis Semper

Rod Creagh/3 Wire Music July 24, 2007 at 12:25

Great Job, Leslie !
As a former tailhooker (Air Wing Ten) on the USS Shangri-La, and a songwriter as well, I can definitely relate !
Rod C

Babs July 26, 2007 at 10:48

Funny, I thought of my son. “I won’t ask my baby not to fly”…
He is currently in flight school having just recently selected for carrier aviation. Yes, I could clip his wings. I could make it so emotionally uncomfortable for him that he would have a hard time doing what he does.
But, “I won’t ask my baby not to fly.”

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