They are all around you in every walk of life hidden in plain sight. Most are modest about their contribution and unless you look closely at the occasional ball-cap or insignia adorning the rear car window you would never know you’re in the presence of a warrior. They might be fresh out of school or nearing the centurion mark, male or female, and any race or religion – no matter, they all carried the same flag.
All the little things that you take for granted every day, they put their life on the line to protect what we as a nation hold dear. Some never saw the horrors of battle, others witnessed far more than their share. All of them did their part to keep our country and her allies safe.
The debt can never be repaid but a simple thank-you will do. You’d be surprised to learn what something so seemingly insignificant means to those who served.
For me it was both an honor and a privilege. I gained far more than I gave and for that I will be eternally grateful.
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