Sounded Good

by Steve on October 3, 2010

I upgraded computers a few weeks back when some of the gear around here started making really disturbing noises and took forever to boot up. It happened to be Canon printer day – an all-in-one for nearly free and no hassle of a mail-in rebate. Why not? And it’s wireless – why didn’t you say so earlier? Well I finally got around to unboxing it today and that free printer cost me the better part of a beautiful fall Sunday. Plus it’s still relying on a cable, we’re not done yet. Technology is supposed to make our lives better and yet several programs I use don’t function with the 64 bit version of Windows 7. If I want to watch a video clip I have to close my browser and open the old 32 bit version. I thought maybe the 64 bit operatng system was the reason behind the printer install wandering off script but after downloading the specific driver for 64 bit Windows 7 it still hangs up in the same spot.

I finally gave up, went down to the shop, pushed a boat out in the sun and sanded for a few hours. Should have never opened that box.

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