Corporate Aviation

by Steve on June 30, 2011

At what point did corporate aviation become a tax target? Surely the CinC (clown in charge) realizes that time is money and commercial aviation travel costs both. The benefits of corporate aviation include speed, security, the capability of landing closer to your destination, and yes even cost. When you factor in the time wasted by using commercial aviation (early arrival, TSA screening, layovers for connecting flights, etc) and weigh that against what a traveling executive’s time is worth, corporate aviation usually wins.

It’s not just the big guy traveling in style, the company plane can often haul a group to a meeting and save money doing it. The inherent delays in commercial air travel require a day of travel ahead of the meeting, ground transport to and from, hotel costs for at least one night (often two), and meals for all those additional days. The same trip can often be done up and back same day in a corporate jet landing at a smaller airport closer to the destination. Any ground transportation needs can often be provided by the FBO providing the fuel and ramp space for the jet that just flew the hop for less money and far less groping.

Get off corporate aviation, Mr. President. The companies that operate these planes do so because it is financially beneficial to do so. The aircraft represent jobs, the companies that operate them create jobs, and certainly the corporations that build them represent a significant portion of General Aviation manufacturing.

Don’t think for one minute FLOTUS’s vacation trips on Air Force One have gone unnoticed.

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