A View to a Kill

by Steve on February 20, 2007

Not the one of Bond fame but rather a very different drama played out in the back country of Wyoming. A friend of a friend of a brother of yet another friend was hunting from a tree stand and witnessed the following struggle.

Fair warning: if you flip the channel when National Geographic shows the Carnivore series you might not want to scroll down, nothing real graphic here, just nature taking its course. Still I’d hate to be the moose.





It is nice to be at the top of the food chain. Even so, I wouldn’t have been in any hurry to climb down. Not until the pups were fat and happy… and snoring.

**UPDATE** Being a photographer, pilot, and hunter you would think I would have smelled a rat on this one especially since I know the intermediate source’s tendency to BS! These images were shot from an airplane in Michigan not a tree stand in Wyoming. For the real story visit Isleroyalewolf.org.

My apologies for spreading internet trash and not correctly giving credit where it was due.


Phillip February 26, 2007 at 20:00

Hell, you’re the Maine moose expert. And you took the word of a southern redneck deer hunter that lives in a camper for a week consuming only beans and beer just for a shot at a 135 lb whitetail spike. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, shame on your ignorance!

Steve March 1, 2007 at 21:51

The fact that he got it from a FRIEND in Wyoming…

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