Mental Vacation

by Steve on December 4, 2009

Feel the need to take a trip but can’t afford to?  Enjoy old cars?  Especially Shelby’s? Go celebrate with the Parothead in Vegas. Lots of nice pictures.  We like pictures.  No more HTML code, please.


Parrothead Jeff December 5, 2009 at 10:56

Thank you kindly for the link, sir! Just wondering, was it the smilies you were talking about with the HTML code?

Steve December 5, 2009 at 14:18

Oops. I was referring to the last several days I spent working with Adobe Dreamweaver. Your pictures were a nice break from writing HTML. Sorry for the misleading comment there!

Parrothead Jeff December 7, 2009 at 4:49

No problemo – I know how it goes and that’s what I figured 8)

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