Non Sibi Sed Patriae

by Steve on March 11, 2012

Not self but country.

The unofficial moto of the United States Navy, it is inscribed over the doors of the chapel at the Naval Academy. Our departed friend lived it. Over the last few days his silence has been deafening but out of that silence has risen a celebration unlike any I’ve known. Tributes and stories, testimonies of lives he touched, people reconnecting all due to one man. If only there were more like him.

His employer posted a tribute on the company website which included a note from the Secretary of the Navy, some of Lex’s recent posts, and a listing of all the bloggers paying tribute – over 140. The open thread on Neptunus Lex is up to 1,424 comments as I write this.

He is missed, and with good reason, but what a life he shared.

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